Learning to Trust

It has been a whirlwind of a year for me and I am sure for some of you too.  I have had a lot of uncertainty this year, however it has helped me learn to trust and stay in faith.

Whenever I didn’t have the answer, I had to first stop and be still, then let go, keep moving forward and “trust” that the situation would work out.  And I am happy to say through all of this last twelve months, I have grown tremendously and received a lesson that was a long time coming, to be patient and trust.

I have a relative that has a saying I love and that is…”Everything will be okay in the end, and if it is not okay, then it is not the end”.   And I have found that through all of the “learning” this year, I may not always get the desired outcome I want, but it is always what I need and the humility that comes with admitting that is priceless.

I hope you all have a great holiday season and that 2013 will bring all your heart’s desires!

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Fran Speake