How To Handle the Holidays

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you. What an exciting time of the year.

As we all get ready to entertain family and guests in our home there is usually a certain amount of anxiety that comes with the territory.  Normal anxiety is healthy as it can motivate you to clean, prepare your home, yourself and your family.  Anxiety that propels you into a neurotic wreck is not.

Have you in the past wondered, “Does my home look good enough, is it clean enough, is it decorated well, will they like the food I serve, I don’t have the right serving dishes, is the food prepared correctly and is it warm enough or visibly inviting, I am not dressed up enough, my kids look like paupers and why won’t the kids get with the program and ‘act the part’?”

The list goes on and on if your anything like I used to be.  I made myself sick and I am sure I made everyone around me uncomfortable.  Well as they say, awareness is the first part of being able to change any behavior you may not feel is desirable.  If you can relate to being such a nervous wreck, then continue reading, and if not, have a great holiday.

I found a few things that can help you let go and enjoy the day.  First, let us stay in gratitude that we can even have family over. Think about all the lonely people who have no one, maybe they are in homeless shelters and either have no family or friends, or no home to entertain in.

Second, remember what the holiday is about and do not get caught up in the social stress. If you are Christian it is about the birth of a savior, Jesus. If you are Jewish then it is about celebrating Hanukkah and re-dedication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. If you are Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist, you have no holiday around this time but if you live in America, I am sure you get caught up with the pressure of the “holiday season”.

Third, plan well, be creative and have a game or two ready.  I find this always breaks the ice and can be a lot of fun.  We have one game with money (dollar bills mostly) and questions.  It has been about our family in the past but I like to switch it up.  Whoever answers correctly, wins the money.  One dollar per easy question, five for harder ones and ten for the most difficult.  The kids love to win the money and some of the adults do too.  This year I am asking history questions.

And last, ask for help. Whether it is to bring food, desert, help clean off the table or sweep the kitchen, most guests want to feel like they are contributing.  It makes them feel like they are helping, and gives you a hand.  We all come away winners and feeling better about each other and the day.

So take a deep breath, exhale any negative energy and relax. Remember we wont be here forever so let’s enjoy each other now.  I cannot fathom ever going back to that neurotic wreck I used to be.  I love my friends and family and want all of us to enjoy our time together with laughter, making memories for years to come! I am sure you want the same!

Peace to you and your family throughout this holiday season.

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