I Challenge You To Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

I want to give you a challenge but first I’d like you to read and reminisce, see if what I am saying is true for you.  Have you ever wondered about life and what occurs in the different decades we live?  For instance, your childhood years are usually all about physically growing up, going to school, making friends and learning how to interact with them.  In your teens, once puberty and that awkward stage is behind you, it becomes more about beginning to find and exert some independence, letting go of family ties, building social skills and taming arousing desire for the opposite sex.

Next, in your twenties, your usually working and attempting career choices, while also finding and decorating your first apartment.  Also at this stage, you’re probably perfecting the dating game, hopefully enjoying it, and searching for a mate.  By the time you hit your thirties, most people are married and children of your own are happening or fixing to happen.  Life becomes about learning to be a parent, while at the same time experiencing the thrill of buying your first home.

This stage travels into our forties and as parenting and nesting continue, you may also begin to suffer huge losses.  At this phase, your own parents’ rising age and declining health forces them to need your help more and more, placing high demands on your already limited time.  This is where you normally begin to lose one or both of them, and you are drained emotionally, re-evaluating everything you thought you knew.  Another huge deficit that can and does occur here for some is divorce and for many reasons.

Some of those reasons can be all the pressure of aging parents and/or raising kids, mid-life evaluation or crisis, or maybe some form of abuse is happening.  This is the make it or break it stage, where you either rise to these challenges or suffer decline.  This is where the divorce is either good for you, and you blossom or it is not, and you wither.  The forties are definitely tough for most people.

Next is where my challenge comes in.  You do not have to be in your fifties to attempt the challenge; I know a lot of people who have experienced all these things I mentioned earlier, before they are even forty.  My point is, are you at a point in your life where you feel like you need something different?  Do you wonder, is this all life is?  Was I made for more?  Can I give back in a way that inspires passion in others?  Am I contributing all that I can, offering others the benefit of my experience?  And the most important, am I happy?  My own answer was no.  I felt very bored and complacent.  Henry Ford said “experience is the thing of supreme value in life” and I concur.

Last year I wrote a book and it will be published soon.  I have no degree in literature, but I believed I could do it and I did.  Also, I have been writing poems for several years and only recently I mailed them to a local singer songwriter for consideration for collaboration that he would put music to my words.  Again, I believe.  Lastly, I am now submitting some of my writing to several different magazines and newspapers for consideration for publication.  Why, because I believe.  I believe my experience is of value, and I believe that I can inspire passion and change in others.

What can you do?  How can you make a change in your life to first, put a spark back in your own existence and second, inspire passion in others?  Review your life experience.  Can you volunteer somewhere?  Will you make a career change and do something you only dreamed about?  It is definitely stepping out of your comfort zone, it is also kind of scary and exciting at the same time, but in the end, I have 100% faith that it will be worth it.

Good Luck and please post or email me and keep me updated on your progress.

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