Loving Others

I wanted to take a minute and check in.  I haven’t posted in a while and I wanted to share something I received recently.  Over the last few months, maybe 6 months, I received a gift on how to love unconditionally.

The key has been to let people be right where they are at, but still love them and not judge them.  Easier said than done.  I have a few individuals in my life that graced me with this kind of love as I struggled time and time again, always managing to hit some awful bottom before I could finally “learn” what I was supposed to learn from the experience.

They let me be right where I was at, and they didn’t abandon me.  I am sure they got tired of watching me make the same mistake time and time again, but they didn’t judge or stop coming around.  They gave me an example of what this kind of love looked like and I am grateful.

The past few months I can say God has expanded on that and truly helped open my eyes to see things I could never see before.  And even though I have been able to see some ugly stuff, I also feel this overflowing love for His people, His sheep, especially the ones He put directly in my path.  Even when I see the repetitive behavior, the same behavior I am sure I exhibited, I am able to look beyond and love.

My biggest prayer is to be just like His son, Jesus, and to love the same way Jesus loves.

So with that I will say God Bless and have a great weekend!!

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