Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all our followers. This has been one trying year to say the least. I am sure you all have had to make sacrifices and do things you never dreamed of doing. I myself have had to work mandatory overtime in the hospital around Covid 19 non-stop. To say I was nervous, anxious and somewhat frightened is putting it mildly. At every juncture I did my best to be responsible and accountable, even quarantining on my birthday after an exposure at work. I did my best to care for people with the virus, help some get better and hold some of their hands when all hope was lost. I have worked with some amazing people this year, people I knew already, but when push came to shove they showed signs of true heroism, volunteering at times to keep others out of harms way. I watched some co-workers get sick, and thankfully recover but I also read how some lost their battle all across the world, healthcare workers just like myself caring for others and succumbing to this monster virus.

I am sure each and every one of you have your own stories and each one is just as important and demonstrates the amazing people you are and who you have in your life. We will probably look back on this year with wonder, curiosity and gratitude.

The wonder will be for the people that took a stand to care for others in spite of the danger to themselves and their family, for the ones that went to work creating a vaccine to help save the world and the heroism in it all. When it counted everyone stepped up. Remember the people in Italy singing to their neighbors while under quarantine, others made food and brought it to the elderly? Those are some of the examples of people taking care of people. So many of you came to the hospital bringing us lysol wipes and feeding us too, we can never say thank you enough.

The curiosity was and will remain, “why is this happening”. That may not get answered for a long time, if ever. Scripture tells us in 1st Corinthians 13:12…

For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, as I am fully known.”

When we get to Heaven I am sure all our questions will be answered.

And lastly is the gratitude. There is so much to be grateful for, the healthcare workers, the ordinary people who stepped up to home school their kids, the people like I said earlier that brought food to the elderly and gratitude to the people for locking down when we needed to, to keep the hospitals from being overloaded. That is only a few, there is too much to list here. But I think the final thing I am grateful for in 2020 is the vaccine. Much has been written about the vaccines, most of it only conspiracy theorists trying to scare people with no proof to back up their baseless claims. I have studies the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine and they are super safe, matter of fact I have already taken the Moderna one myself.

So I urge you to make your own gratitude list. An attitude of gratitude always trumps the negative. How can you be angry or resentful when you are being thankful. Above all have a very Merry Christmas and wonderful Happy New Year. Stay safe and prosper, that is my prayer for each and every one of you.

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Fran Speake