Master Fear and Change your life-Part 2

Do you suffer from fear? Do you sometimes feel paralyzed and unable to move beyond that fear? I would be lying if I said that changing my life’s course never got scary, that I never went in to fear. I am coming from a background with twenty years in health care, having jobs that were safe, paid well, and offered me financial security.

Now, I am walking out in to the unknown world of writing, authoring; the literary world and one of which I know very little. However, I have been able to manage, if not master the fear, but only recently. Thus, the reason I want to share with you, to aid you in overcoming that awful, gut wrenching, stop you dead in your tracks, FEAR!

Whether you want to alter your own path or just struggle with fear, I hope that by sharing what has worked for me, it will aid you. Each morning as I was waking up, as soon as my eyes began to open, here it came, FEAR, years of FEAR. At first I didn’t know what it was, it took a long time for me to be able to recognize it. So if you wake up and are anxious, having a hard time making decisions and genuinely feel like somethings amiss, it is probably fear. I knew if I was to succumb to it, it would paralyze and destroy any good thing I had been able to build.

One of the first things I did was rebuke(refuse to believe) the lie and replace it with the truth. I told myself (sometimes out loud in my bedroom) I am okay, my kids are okay, even the dogs are okay, no one is dying. Next, I immediately prayed. I asked God to come and strengthen me for the day. I called on His power knowing full well that my own was not enough, that I had proven time and time again that left to my own reasoning, I could not get myself out of fear. I had tried many, many times, all to no avail. The next thing I would do is call a close friend and “talk it through” with them but this forces you to be vulnerable, something a lot of us do not want to be. I think in today’s world it is viewed as a sign of weakness, and let’s face it who wants to appear weak?

So I suggest choose a trusted and extremely close friend. And lastly but not necessarily in this order, I would go to scripture and read up on what God says about fear. Once I put His truth in my thoughts, and mouthed the words (again usually out loud), something in me changed and I could feel the fear dissipate; it actually dissolved. The bible says:

God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. – 2 Timothy 1:7

So believe it.

I didn’t master this overnight, it has taken me months of practice, but I can honestly say w/o reservation that every week it is getting easier and easier to “rest in Him” and not be afraid.  I am actually excited about the things He has for me. and He has the same good things for you too. Believe it.

God says,

“I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you hope and a future” – Jeremiah 29:11

So believe Him.

Master fear if for no other reason than it has been given as an instruction to us. God says to Cain (to us)in Genesis 4:7, sin(fear) is crouching at your door, it desires to have you, you must master it.  Mastering fear is the goal I am achieving and the one I want for you.

God Bless you and keep you!!

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