Master Fear and Change your life-Part 1

Do you ever ask yourself, “what am I doing?”, “where is my life going?” and the one some of us might be ashamed to admit, “is this all I am supposed to be doing, isn’t there more to life than this?”, unable to grasp any gratitude at all. Do you think about making a big monumental change in your life but not really knowing where to begin? Do you look around at your children, and knowing they are growing up and out of your house soon, do you wonder “what’s next?”, knowing your purpose for these eighteen years but looking in to a dark unknown future. Have you felt overwhelmed by all the questions swirling around in your head? Does your life have meaning or does it just fall flat?

If you have ever asked yourself any of these, you are not alone. Most of us have asked ourselves these same questions time and time again. I know I have. It was only a few years ago, after losing my dad, that I took a hard look at my life and knew I wanted more, that I deserved better than what I was allowing myself to experience. Coming from a Christian upbringing, I believed wholeheartedly that we were made by God, to love and serve God, but I never really tried to digest what that meant. I was brought up like most people, to think you were supposed to go to school and get an education, find that special someone, get married, have children and bring them up to repeat the cycle. Have you ever wondered what would happen if you veered off that crazy course? Not that there is anything wrong with that, there’s not; some people are content with repeating the same thing their parents did, and their grandparents did.  I, though am one who wants more and it may be because I’m a product of divorce. Watching my own children fulfill their destiny has brought me much joy, but there was still something missing.

I am here to try and get you to think about your own life, what you are doing. Some of you may be quite content with life and that’s fine, I applaud you; you are not my target audience, although I hope I make you think. I want the ones who are not happy with the course of their life, the ones who want to change their trajectory, the dreamers, the people who know there is more out there and it is for the taking.  I was paralyzed by fear until finally one day, I was not. I have been able to step out in faith and slowly change direction, alter my course and even though the future is unknown, I feel certain I am finally fulfilling His purpose for my life. I no longer feel uncertain.

Tomorrow I will share about Mastering Fear and what has worked for me. Have an awesome Saturday and be good to yourself today!

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Fran Speake