Life Gets Hard!

Life gets hard! That is really just a fact of life. This past year I know many of you remember me saying I was studying and taking board exams for my respiratory license, I was having to scramble and find a new publisher and all that entailed with edits and re-edits. My own publisher (Tate) had been arrested and charged with eight felony counts of fraudulent business activities. Whew, if that wasn’t enough in the middle of all this chaos a very good friend committed suicide. I do believe that is where my grief became overwhelming, where I became almost paralyzed, not really knowing what my next move should be. Fortunately for me, I have developed a very strong faith and reliance on the Lord, however if I am honest, and there is no other way to be, I can say even that got tested. And you know what, that is okay. God is a very big guy and He can take our questions, our doubt, matter of fact He already knows we are going to go through that and what He desires most is for us to talk with Him. Open the conversation by telling Him you are doubtful or angry or whatever it is you are feeling, be honest because He already knows. He will be there, He will guide you and He will bless you for coming to Him. And trust me when you don’t feel like you are getting the answer, do what the scripture says and “Be Still” (Psalm 46). Wait….the answer will come but sometimes it takes a while. But what do we have if not time…Ecclesiastes 3 tells us there is a time for everything.
I share all of this with you to encourage you, to lift you up and to let you know that you are not alone. We all experience these hard times and we need friends and loved ones around us to help us through them. Remember when you cannot understand why something happens here on earth, scripture tells us in 1Cor 13:12 that while we are here we will know in part but once we are there (in Heaven) we will know fully as we are fully known.
Peace be with you and remember here at DOTK, we love you and more importantly, so does God!

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Fran Speake