Fighting Evil

We are attacked all day long however most people do not realize that an attack is exactly what it is.  They think it is just life, or in most cases they don’t think about it at all, they just react or respond to the stimuli. For example, we receive a phone call and it may be our child’s teacher calling and our little one has failed a major test and, as a result, it brought their grade down and the teacher wants to discuss.

We automatically think “the last thing I needed on my busy day is to deal with school work, don’t they know how busy I am”, but we have to deal with it, I mean after all it is our child and we love and want to help our children so we put aside work, get in the car, drive to the school and deal with it. Well, in the middle of dealing with it, the job may call and things begin to fall apart, maybe someone called in sick and you have to cover their shift.

So you drive home, put the schoolwork aside and begin making calls when another child runs in and has an open and bleeding wound on their knee from a bicycle accident.  Panic sets in, your heart starts beating very fast, respirations become shallow and rapid, and you drop all else to evaluate the situation.  Once you see that amputation is NOT needed, you begin to bandage the knee when your significant other calls and says he is bringing home a client for dinner and can you please prepare something that will impress.

About two minutes later your sister calls and “needs to talk” because her marriage is falling apart and she fears her husband is cheating on her. At this point, we are about to pull our hair out and scream ” I GIVE UP, I CAN’T DO THIS ANYMORE!!”  And that is exactly what the evil one, who resides in this world, wants you to do, fall apart, give up or let your family suffer.  He works in our mind telling us things like, “they would all be better off without you”,  “your not good enough”, or “look how you cannot handle anything, that is why this is all happening to you, you’re a loser”.

My experience has proven to me that the more I fall apart with these kinds of situations, the more the situations fall apart and get worse.  The knowledge of knowing they are an attack has helped me stand firm, in addition to using scripture that specifically addresses this topic.

Ephesians 6:10-17 tells you exactly what to do to protect yourself.  When I can calmly keep it together and deal with each situation, I can usually see the reason why they may be happening at that moment or in that order.  I can then pull out the lesson for me which may have been that I needed to slow down, think about someone else, or just be strengthened and learn how to “cope”.

If your upbringing was anything like mine, I was not taught coping skills.  That neglect has affected every part of my life in such a negative way.  Until now, and that is why I share this with you so that you may be able to think about it now, prepare yourself now before a crazy day like this happens.

Remember to stay suited up with your armor, slow down when life gets crazy, and deal with each problem or situation one at a time.  Once you do, you will be able to see why each happened in the way, and at the time they did and you will be able to pull your own lesson out of the chaos.  And always remember the victory is already ours through our Lord Jesus Christ!!

Many blessings to you!!

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