Helping Others Belongs to All of Us

Recently I was going to apply for some grant money to help launch my book until I realized, like most things, there was a “catch”. However, I answered some of their questions and had to think about my answers and after re-reading them I thought I would post them here because after all, this really is how I feel about my book in regards to helping others. Please let me know what you also think. Take Care and God Bless. TGIF!

Describe in detail how you’ll use the money

Helping people should be, for all of us, the most passionate endeavor. It is mine. I will use the money to help launch my book, Daughter of the King: Finally Free. This book will help thousands, if not millions, to become free of the demons that haunt them. Anyone who will actually pick it up and read it will benefit. For most who suffer, if not all, it will save their life.

We have people who are lost and reside with a big black hole inside of them. They spend way too many years looking for love in all the wrong places, wasting time, and more than likely taxpayer’s money, to be treated for addictions to alcohol and/or drugs. As anyone knows, once addicted, the person may do “anything” to obtain that euphoric feeling, including criminal behavior or “selling themselves”. Once that happens, the chance of saving that person goes down as the taxpayer’s responsibility goes up, demanding funding for various treatment programs.

My book tells the story of a life lost, ridden with neglect, violence and abuse of power by a Texas county judge, however, there is a very precise route to final victory. I know this book, Daughter of the King: Finally Free will help all who venture to open their hearts and minds and read the words so delicately placed in the pages of this tragic, yet great story.

What makes you the ideal candidate for this funding opportunity?

I was one of these people and my biggest desire to help them is because I know first hand the pain that wandering around with that emptiness can cause. It destroys lives, not just the person who is an addict, but the entire family. It ruins careers, friendships and the biggest tragedy is that all they need is a helping hand from someone who knows, who has been there. Alcoholics and addicts do not trust easily and it has already been proven that they will not allow professionals like psychiatrists to help them, they won’t open up to anyone other than another addict. 99% of the time there is a bigger reason why the person is choosing to use the alcohol and drugs to cope with life and if you don’t get to that root cause, the alcohol and drugs will always appeal to them as the answer to life’s everyday problems.

I am someone who has done the work, gotten to that root cause and overcome. My biggest desire and dream now is to help others. I believe in people and I know most people are good and so are their motives, they just want to live their lives in peace and harmony with others. We have to help them otherwise what benefit is our good fortune, when others are suffering?

Think about it.

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Fran Speake