Attitude of Gratitude!

Aloha and good morning from the Valley Isle of Maui.

As I was performing my morning ritual of prayer, meditation and journaling, I realized that I wanted to share with you one of the biggest changes I made in the last few years and the abundant return of blessings it has birthed in my life.

It is the adoption of an attitude of gratitude, no matter what.

I know it is easy to be thankful when good or great things occur in your life, however the flip side is to be grateful when, what appear to be negative or “bad” things happen. It is in those “bad” situations that the big monumental lessons take place.

That is the time we are learning the most, being twisted and molded, allowing God to remove our own negative character defects, the ones that cause us so much misery, the ones we may not even be aware of.

It is in the twisting and molding that He creates His masterpiece and we begin to take the shape and form of what was originally intended when He created us. We begin to lose that ugliness that we injected in to ourselves living in fear most of our lives.

It is then, and only then, that the phoenix really does begin to emerge from the ashes. So today, on this wonderfully glorious day, I pray that you will begin to adopt an attitude of gratitude every single moment of every day.

What have you got to lose, try it and I promise you that you will not regret it.  May God bless you and keep you. Until next time – Aloha!

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