A New Year – A New Beginning

Are you ready to make a big change for 2016?

Many of us go on in life, year after year, letting little things bog us down. There always seems to be obstacles that get in our way…

Tragedies, misfortunes, money and health problems. It seems as though our lives get turned upside down at times.

Especially when we are trying so hard to make a change –to make a difference.

If you are like me, you just want some peace and some solitude. But there is always something or someone in our lives that want to control us.

There always seems to be this nagging voice telling us we are no good or that we don’t deserve good things in our lives.

“What the heck is wrong with me?”, we often ask ourselves. “Why can’t I have what others have?”

Take Sarah, for example. She has a great job, a wonderful husband who loves her, a beautiful child. It seems like everyone around us has it together, but for some of us, not so much.

Well, I have complete confidence that you too can have it all. You can live a happy life also.

And how would I know?

It’s because I was in a place where you might be right now. It seemed like everyone and everything was against me. I was in so much pain that I turned to drugs and alcohol..

In a way, I was self-medicating my pains, when in reality, I was just putting on a mask, a Band-Aid that was simply hiding my fears, my pains, and tragedies of the past.

I kept playing a recording in my head that was on a continual loop that was driving me insane, it seemed.

The problem was that after the night of drugs wore off, I was not only right back where I started, but even worse, I was losing my grip.

I lost my job, my husband, and my beautiful children.

I thank God every day that he was able to help me rediscover who I was.

I thank God that he healed my broken heart.

He has given me a new life, a new set of values, and a fresh, new look on life.

It wasn’t until I discovered this…

That you and I are a child of a King of the highest order. We are children of God!

Listen, if you are struggling and are tired of living a life of misery, please take a look at what changed me from “self-medicating” my pains and fears, to now being happy to be alive and full of thanks.

My hope is that by hearing me tell my story of living under a black cloud to living the life of my dreams, it will inspire you to become who God truly intended for you and I…

And that is to be a child of the one and only Living God.

May the new year of 2016, be the year that you discover a new way. That you begin living a life you’ve always wanted and one you deserve.

I look forward to hearing from you and I just want to say, you really are loved. You really are a child of the King.

Please subscribe to my blog and we can walk together. I will show you what I have come to understand over the past year. I will hold your hand, if you need some assurance.

Let’s make 2016 the best year ever!

Until next time…

May God bless you my friend,

Fran Speake
Daughter of the King

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Fran Speake