Our Destiny

Aloha again from the beautiful big island of Hawaii.

I will be wrapping things up here and heading back to Texas around the first of November. I was journaling this morning and I begin to think about my own destiny. Since 2003 I have been on this new road of recovery, learning to live life in a healthy way, letting go of old ideas and behaviors that frankly, never were working in my favor.

The last twelve years have been amazing, exciting and also hard. It is not easy to let go of control and trust, much less trust in a God I cannot see. To be asked to have blind faith is not easy for most people and I am not very different than most.

Jesus said, “Blessed are those that have not seen and yet still believe”, John 20:29.

So blessed we are. What is so ironic about what He said though is that I may not have seen Him up close and personal, as in seeing a man standing before me, but I have seen His works, in my life, in your life, matter of fact all around me.

I see God working in this fallen world every single minute of every single day and I say to myself, “Wow he loves us soooo much, why can’t everyone see this?”.

I am going to ask you to do me a favor and get the noise out of your head for a few minutes by shutting off the electronic device, turn away from conversations for a few minutes this week and listen to the rustle of the leaves as the cool wind blows, feel it on your cheek with your eyes closed and hear the birds whistling their joyful tunes.

As they said in the old days, “stop and smell the roses”. And I think you will then see things different, in the way someone helps a hurt animal, how we come together for victims/environment of natural disasters and assist in some type of healing for ourselves, each other and the planet.

You will see love and thus, God. It is amazing. This is His plan for us, His destiny for us. I may not know each one of you, but I know your destiny is to see God, to know God, to seek answers from Him, and to share love with Him.

Be blessed!

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Fran Speake